I thought when Dad first arrived that this could be a precious time where father and daughter might open up to each other and share honest truths. After all, plenty of well-meaning friends have said, “Cherish this time, Debbie.” These well-meaning friends have never been in my shoes, I guarantee it.** With all that said, I am a realist and I know my father pretty well. He has never been a great communicator. He tells stories. The same stories over and over. Stories are valuable and so I (try to) listen. Continue reading
Month: October 2011
The Beginning
Like a lot of people, I live my life with eyes wide open. Except of course when I notice I’m entertaining my friend, Denial. Perhaps you know her? She’s nearly everywhere once you start paying attention. She means well. In fact, she might even be considered a life-saver in certain circumstances.

A year ago I inadvertently became full time caregiver to my 85 year old father, the King of Denial. Continue reading