Chicks and Lambs Live in Denial – So Should We

Blossom the Lamb

If the leader of the free world keeps repeating, “The enemy of the people is the media,” the goal can only be one thing — to convince the people to believe all news is fake news and believe only what he says. Unless of course the media reports flattering news about him, then it’s right on. But here’s the thing:Chicks Pix

The Chicks Don’t Care

We all know he lies blatantly and chronically, sometimes about the most ridiculous things. His form of ‘negotiating’ is to bully and create conspiracy theories about his ‘enemies.’ An enemy equates to anyone who disagrees with him or those who refuse to be bullied, or those who investigate and report facts. These facts can be something he said on camera or tweeted. The most dangerous thing about his lying is it feels normal and acceptable. We read reports that have tried to track the number of his lies and we aren’t surprised, because we all know he lies, but the chicks don’t care. Continue reading

Beauty All Around

purple tulip

Beauty is everywhere if we will only notice it. Some days it’s harder than others to see it.

Yesterday the theme of my blog post was the word indivisible and I thought about the Pledge of Allegiance and the meaning behind it. I said I didn’t have a solution for this problem our country is facing – the divide, the dissent, the anger between individuals and lawmakers. Actually I do.  Continue reading

Indivisible – Unable to be Divided or Separated

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Who are you and who am I? Several friends and a few relatives have abandoned me this year because of our political differences, or rather, because I’ve chosen to use my voice rather than pretend to be indifferent about the current political climate.

I’m not innocent in this, I too have abandoned a few on social media, but only after months of debates where I tried with all my might to be civil and logical during a time when civility seems to have flown out the window. Ahhh, the life of a logical liberal. But who am I really? And why are we so deeply divided that we cannot even remain Facebook friends?

I’m a realist. I believe in fighting for causes that matter. I believe in truth and justice for all and that it’s worth fighting for. Continue reading