The Real Deal

Purple Iris

This flower is the real deal. It’s not fake or even filtered. I took the picture in my front yard a couple years ago. Beautiful purple iris does make me question how something could be so perfect in nature. I don’t care how many folks might scream, FAKE! This flower is the real deal. Continue reading

Beauty All Around

purple tulip

Beauty is everywhere if we will only notice it. Some days it’s harder than others to see it.

Yesterday the theme of my blog post was the word indivisible and I thought about the Pledge of Allegiance and the meaning behind it. I said I didn’t have a solution for this problem our country is facing – the divide, the dissent, the anger between individuals and lawmakers. Actually I do.  Continue reading

Indivisible – Unable to be Divided or Separated

Author image

Who are you and who am I? Several friends and a few relatives have abandoned me this year because of our political differences, or rather, because I’ve chosen to use my voice rather than pretend to be indifferent about the current political climate.

I’m not innocent in this, I too have abandoned a few on social media, but only after months of debates where I tried with all my might to be civil and logical during a time when civility seems to have flown out the window. Ahhh, the life of a logical liberal. But who am I really? And why are we so deeply divided that we cannot even remain Facebook friends?

I’m a realist. I believe in fighting for causes that matter. I believe in truth and justice for all and that it’s worth fighting for. Continue reading

A Closer Look

Have you ever looked at a blueberry? I mean, really LOOKED at a blueberry up close before popping it in your mouth? I hadn’t either until I took this macro shot a few years ago. This close up view of a common fruit reminds me of a certain mega-businessman-turned-politician. After all, we don’t truly understand his motives or his actions, no matter how closely we examine them.

Almost everyone agrees it’s difficult to know for sure what Donald Trump’s thought processes are. What could he possibly be thinking (if he’s thinking at all) when he tweets threatening things about former presidents or warns the FBI Director that he better hope there are no tapes of conversations between them. These things are now considered permanent written records that can be used against him. Yet he continues.
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It’s a Balancing Act

Republican lawmakers targeted by a lone gunman a little after 7 a.m. while practicing for a charity baseball game is not what you expect to see happening before your first sip of coffee on a Wednesday morning.

The gunman died in an angry attempt to express his political feelings. What drives someone to do that? A loss of balanced and rational thinking? I do wonder what his tipping point was but of course, we’ll probably never know. What we do know is the angry divide must be addressed somehow.

Respectfully, as it should be, news from the nation’s capital is not about collusion or obstruction of justice today. This morning’s events are likely a wake-up call to politicians on both sides. I can imagine the horribly frightening moments for those at the ball field this morning.

My guess is many who weren’t there are also imagining what if . . . it could have been me. With a sense of relief many of these folks are probably sharing a lot of loving thoughts with their families this afternoon, perhaps with newfound perspective for what really matters most and a desire to find a sense of balance. Continue reading

Exit, Stage Left

Bird Exiting Stage Left

So much is happening moment to moment these days. It’s thrilling. It’s entertaining. It’s disturbing. Some people tell me they are able to push it all away, not watch the news (it’s all fake news anyway, if you believe it is), and carry on in complete denial, pretending that we do not have a very big problem on our patriotic hands. I am not one of those people. I truly believe it is my civic duty to not sit back quietly and pretend that very soon our president will learn and do better.

Yesterday the most disturbing thing happened yet as presidential cabinet members each took turns praising the president . . . on queue. As is always the case with Donald Trump, the timing of this is relevant to better understanding the purpose of his distraction efforts. Continue reading